Producer of Audio Stories, Podcasts and Live Events by Eliza Tebo

Hi there! As a producer, I’ve worked on scores of storytelling projects, from short spots and features on WAMU and NPR, to full-length podcasts. Find the details below on two live, virtual forums I hosted and produced for WAMU, as well as other highlights from my production reel. And click “Podcasts” in the main navigation menu to learn more about my two D.C. music podcasts, Formative Tracks and Common Chord.

Live Forum: Are We Due For A Rise In Unions? by Eliza Tebo

On June 11, 2020, I produced and hosted a live virtual forum for WAMU 88.5 on how the pandemic might inspire a new wave of unionization, which was already growing in popularity among Millennials and Gen-Zers before COVID hit.

Panelists: William Spriggs, Howard University economics professor and chief economist to the AFL-CIO; Harry Holzer, Georgetown University public policy professor and former chief economist for the U.S. Department of Labor; Kayla Mock, organizer for UFCW Local 400; and Virginia Diamond, president of the Northern Virginia Labor Federation, AFL-CIO.

Live Forum: The Present and Future of D.C. Restaurants by Eliza Tebo

On May 21, 2020, I produced and hosted a live virtual forum for WAMU 88.5 on the many ways the pandemic was changing the D.C. restaurant industry.

Panelists: Ruth Tam and Patrick Fort, hosts of Dish City; Sage Ali, co-owner of Ben’s Chili Bowl; Jamie Leeds, the restaurateur behind Hank’s Oyster Bar; and D.C. Councilmember (D-Ward 5) and Chair Pro Tempore Kenyan McDuffie.